Sponsor A Home

Sponsor a Home You can sponsor a home with a $65,000 donation, and roughly 10-30 volunteers to help build each Saturday during a 12- week build schedule. Full house sponsors also provide food for volunteers on their build days. It may seem overwhelming, but many local...

Sponsor A Day

Sponsor a Day Build Day Sponsors are one of 10 sponsors that partner for a Community Build. This would require a $6,500 contribution, and commitment to recruit 10-25 volunteers for one build day, plus food for one day.  One may sponsor multiple days or partner with...


Donate Giving   We partner with as many families as possible, but the problem of low income housing has reached critical proportions in Leon and Gadsden counties. Your donation helps to build affordable housing for families in need, providing them with shelter and the...


Giving isn’t the question, it’s the answer. Working toward a world where everyone has a decent place to live. Stay Connected Building Together, Changing Lives Forever Sponsor a Home It may seem overwhelming, but many local groups have accomplished a full...


The Community Contribution Tax Credit Program (CCTCP) provides a financial incentive (50% tax credit) to encourage Florida businesses to make donations toward community development and housing projects of low-income persons.  The tax credit is easy for a business to...

Building Together, Changing Lives Forever

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