Sponsor a Home
You can sponsor a home with a $65,000 donation, and roughly 10-30 volunteers to help build each Saturday during a 12- week build schedule. Full house sponsors also provide food for volunteers on their build days.
- It may seem overwhelming, but many local groups have accomplished a full house sponsorship, and report that it was much easier than expected.
- Our trained construction team will assist in all phases of the build, and administrative staff here can help you problem solve as you organize volunteers and prepare.
- Type “C” businesses can utilize the State of Florida’s Community Contribution Tax Credit and receive, as an incentive, a state sales tax refund or credit of 50% of the appraised value of the home.
- I you are interested in sponsoring a home for a family in need of safe, decent and affordable housing in Leon and Gadsden Counties, please contact the office at 850-574-2288 and we will be happy to coordinate you sponsorship program.